Put on a Church Wide, Five-Week Evangelism Campaign The details are below.
» Weeks 1-5
» Weeks 1-5
- Preach the five sermons that are provided from the “Who’s Your One?” evangelism strategy from the North American Mission Board. Click here to download the sermons.
- Distribute a copy of the “Who’s Your One?” 30 Day Prayer Guide - during the first week of the campaign - to every adult and student (High School or older). Ask them to pray each day for 30 days. Click here for downloadable Prayer Guide.
- Option: Preach 5 sermons on: Christ-Centered | Caring About Lost People | Connecting with Lost People | Conversing with Lost People | Continuing with Christ and Others (Do not use the “Who’s Your One?” 30-Day Prayer Guide if you use this option)
- Distribute a copy of the All for One Small Group Study to each student (High school and older) and adult during each small group meeting. Study this curriculum for five weeks. Continue to distribute the studies each week during the five-week campaign. Click here to see the study.
- Distribute the All for One Daily Bible Reading assignments - during the first week of the campaign - and ask each person to read the assigned chapter of the Bible each day of the campaign. Click here to see the Bible Reading plan.

Go to all41life.org, select the Caring tab, then click on The Art of Neighboring. At a later time, preach about and study in small groups the concepts found in the book, The Primer: Practicing the Nine Arts of Spiritual Conversation.

(Partner for free to have your members trained by Every Home for Christ; go to all41life.org, select the Connecting tab, and then click on “Encounter Outreach” to learn more).
- Typical training teaches church members to go door to door on the first visit and state, “We are from _________ Church and we desire to be good neighbors. Is there anything we can pray about for you?” Prayer is offered and then the church members leave.
- The members are trained to visit the same homes 2-4 times per year (ask for new prayer requests, give away bottled waters, Hershey’s bars, light bulbs, boxes of Band-Aids, Christmas ornaments, etc.).
- The members are trained to use the free app (Encounter Outreach) to record notes of good visits so that a relationship can be developed.
- After a few welcomed visits, members should invite the church neighbors to their church or give them an Engager (tract).

Preach Mark 5:19–20 about the Power of a Personal Testimony. Challenge your people to develop and share their personal testimony. Encourage your people to follow the below pattern.
There are three basic parts:
Conversion Experience » Tell the story of how you came to trust Christ as your Lord and Savior. Do not use “churchy” words, but do briefly insert the gospel message into this part.
Recent Benefits of Conversion » Share some statements about God’s goodness to you (peace of mind, joy, purpose, whatever was lacking in your life in your pre-conversion experience.) Include the assurance transition, “And now I know for certain that I am going to Heaven when I die.”
There are three basic parts:
- My Life Before Christ » Share your primary issue, if you had one (fear, emptiness, insecurity, etc.). If you were saved as a young child (<10 years of age), then the primary issue may not apply to you
- How I Came To Trust Christ As Lord And Savior
- My Life After Christ » Share how He dealt with your primary issue and/or what other benefits you have experienced because of your conversion (even if it was years after conversion)
Conversion Experience » Tell the story of how you came to trust Christ as your Lord and Savior. Do not use “churchy” words, but do briefly insert the gospel message into this part.
Recent Benefits of Conversion » Share some statements about God’s goodness to you (peace of mind, joy, purpose, whatever was lacking in your life in your pre-conversion experience.) Include the assurance transition, “And now I know for certain that I am going to Heaven when I die.”
Once your members have memorized their testimonies, then they can use the following statement and question as a transition to their personal testimonies. “I believe you know that I go to church and that I have a strong faith in God. But I want you to know that I haven’t always believed in Him like I do now. As your friend, may I briefly share with you how I came to personally trust in Him? (If they give permission then your members should share their personal testimony).

Schedule Monthly Church Visitation of guests who have visited the church. (12 times per year). Use the simple training resource (below), "Making Home Visits to Church Guests."

At the Door
Introduce your visitation team by first name only. Then say, “We understand that you visited our church recently and we like to be friendly and briefly visit those who have visited us. Would that be okay?”
Inside the Home
Inside the visitors’ home you should comfortably direct conversation with them by asking open ended questions and listening attentively to their answers. Be observant of items that indicate what is going on in the lives of the church prospects (pictures, toys, school work, etc.).
Use the acronym ICE (be cool, calm, and collected) to help direct the flow of conversation.
» Interests - Ask them about their interests, family, background, work, etc.
» Church - Ask them about their experiences during their recent visit to your church.
» Eternity - Ask them whether or not they are sure that they will go to Heaven.
Transitions are important when attempting to comfortably direct conversations. You should use the below or similar transition questions when you desire to move the ICE conversation from Interests to Church to Eternity.
» Transition from “Interests” to “Church Questions”
State, “We’re grateful that you worshiped with us recently. How did you enjoy your visit with us?” You may also want to ask them about what prompted them to visit, about their church background, and about any questions they might have about your church.
» Transition from “Church Questions” to “Eternity” Questions
State, “As much as we love our church, we recognize that our focus is not to be on church. Our focus is to be on the God of the church and what His will is for each of us. We believe that His will is for everyone to be with Him in Heaven one day. But not everyone goes to Heaven. So I would like to ask you, ‘Are you confident that you will go to Heaven when you die?’” If they answer, “Yes” or “Kind of confident,” then go to #1. If they answer, “No,” then go to #2.
State, “As much as we love our church, we recognize that our focus is not to be on church. Our focus is to be on the God of the church and what His will is for each of us. We believe that His will is for everyone to be with Him in Heaven one day. But not everyone goes to Heaven. So I would like to ask you, ‘Are you confident that you will go to Heaven when you die?’” If they answer, “Yes” or “Kind of confident,” then go to #1. If they answer, “No,” then go to #2.
1) In your opinion, what do you understand it takes for a person to go to Heaven?
Their Answer Our Response
Faith Ask them to share about it
Works May I briefly share with you what the Bible teaches about how you can go to Heaven?
Unclear Ask for more clarity
No opinion May I briefly share with you what the Bible teaches about how you can go to Heaven?
2) May I share with you what the Bible teaches about how you can go to Heaven?
L.O.R.D. Gospel Presentation
L. God loves you
L. God loves you
O. Our offenses (sins) separate us from God
R. Christ’s death on the cross is the only remedy for our sin problem
D. We must decide to ask the Lord to save us
Does what I just shared make sense to you? Would you like to make the decision to call on the name of the Lord to save you from your sins right now? Yes? Let me clarify (be brief) - L.O.R.D.
Lead them in a sinner’s prayer:
Dear Lord, I believe with all my heart that You love me and want me to personally know You. But I also understand that I am a sinner and am therefore separated from You and Your love. I do not trust in my good works to save me but instead I trust that Your Son, Jesus died on the cross to pay the penalty for my sins so that I can be forgiven. I also believe that He rose from the dead. Jesus, save me and help me to live for Your glory. Amen.

Hold Annual Sunday–Wednesday Revival Meetings
If members are caring, connecting, and conversing it will be easier to influence lost friends to attend the revival services.
If members are caring, connecting, and conversing it will be easier to influence lost friends to attend the revival services.

Use All for One 8-week Training
The pastor(s) should fully embrace their personal need(s) for ongoing lifestyle evangelism. This is much more than a commitment to a program or latest church strategy fad. It must be a deeply held conviction that results in modeling this sort of personal evangelism. The pastor(s) and key leaders can do this by attending a six-hour All for One training event and thus become certified to lead All for One at their local church. This training will teach them:
» An overview of the five-part All for One strategy
After attending the six-hour All for One training event, the pastor(s) and key leaders should meet with the elders, deacons, and other key leaders who did not attend the All for One training to share with them the need for a church-wide culture of personal evangelism. They should share an overview of the All for One lifestyle evangelism strategy and let them ask questions. They should stress that their personal involvement in this training ministry will be needed for the church to effectively equip lifestyle evangelism witnesses. They should spend at least 30 minutes praying with these leaders about the church’s evangelism needs. The meeting should be concluded with asking each attendee to be earnestly praying in the upcoming weeks about evangelism and setting another date to meet some more and talk about possibly of using All for One to equip members to share the gospel.
The pastor(s) should meet again with the elders, deacons, and other key leaders to further discuss the potential of using All for One. If the leadership chooses to do this, then the pastor should recruit many or some of the leaders to register to participate in the first All for One Large Group or one of the All for One Triad Huddles. Only recruit as many trainees as you can handle based on one trainer for every 2-3 trainees. The Large Group training should take place on a spring and fall semester schedule. The Triad Huddles can take place any time of the week.
Highlight/celebrate in Sunday AM services, members who are praying for, caring about, connecting with, and conversing with outsiders.
The pastor(s) should fully embrace their personal need(s) for ongoing lifestyle evangelism. This is much more than a commitment to a program or latest church strategy fad. It must be a deeply held conviction that results in modeling this sort of personal evangelism. The pastor(s) and key leaders can do this by attending a six-hour All for One training event and thus become certified to lead All for One at their local church. This training will teach them:
» An overview of the five-part All for One strategy
- All for One 8-week Trainee Workbook
- All for One 8-week Trainer Guide
- All for One 5-week Small Group Study (Sunday School or Small Groups)
- All for One website (www.all41life.org)
- All for One Pastor Coaching
» An overview of the 8 Sessions of the All for One Trainee workbook
» An overview of the 8 Sessions of the All for One Trainer guide
» An emphasis on how to be continually filled with the Holy Spirit
» The L.O.R.D. gospel presentation
» How to develop and use a personal testimony
» How to pray for outsiders in their neighborhoods and beyond
» Effective ways to connect with outsiders
» How to converse with lost people
The pastor(s) should meet again with the elders, deacons, and other key leaders to further discuss the potential of using All for One. If the leadership chooses to do this, then the pastor should recruit many or some of the leaders to register to participate in the first All for One Large Group or one of the All for One Triad Huddles. Only recruit as many trainees as you can handle based on one trainer for every 2-3 trainees. The Large Group training should take place on a spring and fall semester schedule. The Triad Huddles can take place any time of the week.
Highlight/celebrate in Sunday AM services, members who are praying for, caring about, connecting with, and conversing with outsiders.

Frequently visit all41life.org to learn about the best and latest lifestyle evangelism resources.